Sunday, May 18, 2014

A tribute to Ron

The goal is to live a full, productive life even with all that ambiguity. No matter what happens, whether the cancer never flares up again or whether you die, the important thing is that the days that you have had you will have lived. - Gilda Radner

You may notice I have changed my blog name to 140.6 miles for Ron.  Ron Foster is the reason I am attempting my first full triathlon this year.  Without Ron I would never have approached Coach Paul to help conquer my fear of swimming.  I can not believe this journey started five years ago in November.  
When I met Ron he was seventy five years old.  After a heart attack like so many he decided to get fit and saw triathlon as the way to do it.  You could see the passion in his eyes when he spoke about racing and training.  He shared that passion for the sport with me and other members of the Durham Triathlon Club. He was always there with an encouraging word and to share his experience in the sport.  

In my first full year of the sport I had the privilege of racing with Ron at Guelph 1 in the Try-A-Tri distance and at Wasaga Beach in the sprint distance.  Although not participating Ron was in Colburg too. Guelph was my first race and I was nervous about the swim. Ron stood by my side as we lined up on the beach.  He suggested we keep to the left to stay out of the way of the main wave of swimmers.  We walked out together, started the swim and both completed the race. Like so many races Ron came first in his age group.  This year Colburg was the club race. Ron and his lovely wife Madeline volunteered.  They were on site at some ridiculous time like 5:30 AM to start numbering race caps and were still there later in the day helping out.  Ron truly did love this sport.  The last race of the season was Wasaga Beach. He told me don't worry you can stand up anywhere the water isn't deep.  Again by my side we hit the water at the same time.  As Barry and I saw Ron in the distance I decided to run along side of him and bring a little encouragement as he came to the finish line.

I believe it was the next year Ron set his sights on racing for Canada.  I can not remember what race it was but he qualified for the Canadian Team. I wish I could remember what series it was he was representing Canada in but do know it was in Australia.  It was around this time Ron was diagnosed with cancer.  He wasn't sure he was going to make it to Australia but with the help of his doctors and his spirit to do it he was able to compete.  If I remember his son was in attendance and may have been representing Canada too.  Ron always spoke of being able to participate in the same race series as his son. Ron was so very proud of his children.  He would always tell us about their accomplishments and you could see how much he loved them both. 

After this race Ron & I did not see each other much.  I guess in the hustle and bustle of life I did not think to reach out however I did think of him lots.  I wish I could have told him in four short years how much he influenced my life.  Honestly I did not know this until he passed away in April.  
This year I swim, bike & ride in memory of Ron.  If I cross that finish line in Mont Tremblant it will because I met this wonderful man named Ron Foster.  I miss you !!!!
Ron & I getting ready at Guelph 1
Ron & I starting the swam

Ron with his 1st place.

The goal is to live a full, productive life even with all that ambiguity. No matter what happens, whether the cancer never flares up again or whether you die, the important thing is that the days that you have had you will have lived.
The goal is to live a full, productive life even with all that ambiguity. No matter what happens, whether the cancer never flares up again or whether you die, the important thing is that the days that you have had you will have lived.
The goal is to live a full, productive life even with all that ambiguity. No matter what happens, whether the cancer never flares up again or whether you die, the important thing is that the days that you have had you will have lived.
The goal is to live a full, productive life even with all that ambiguity. No matter what happens, whether the cancer never flares up again or whether you die, the important thing is that the days that you have had you will have lived.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

It is going to be heck of a ride in 2014.

The ride starts with my job.  The company has sold off the division I work in and waiting to hear where I am in the grand schemes of things.  At first I was nervous about this but I now see this as an opportunity.  When I first started with the company I was in my early 30's and was so very excited.  It was my dream job - seriously it was where I wanted to work.  It is time for a change & this forces a change otherwise I would continue down the route of better to have a bird in the hand then two in the bushes.

Of course there is Ironman.  August 17th seems far away but before we know it we will be lining up in our swim wave and off we go.  I am feeling extremely thankful I chose this year to do this.  Some of my training partners are new to this distance, like me, while other are Ironman.  A good group to be with.  The newbies will bring an air of excitement and fear while the seasoned Ironmen bring words of wisdom and stories of conquering the training & race.   Coach is working hard to help us all cross the finish line and make our dreams come true.

My grandson, Levy, is making a huge difference.  Being part of his journey of life is very exciting.  With no Aunts and Uncles (my parents were/are only children) my brother and I grew up without babies/children around.  At our holiday celebrations I was the youngest, then came my brother & then Mom.  It is said my brother and I are old souls.  Just a product of growing up with older people.  As Levy becomes more of a person, okay he has always been a person but a person who one can interact with more, I look forward to showing him how to play the piano, ride a bike, bake, cook etc.  I guess he won't get excited about riding an escalator - me the country kid going into the city.  All the things I experienced and still appreciate today my Granny & Great Aunts provided me.  I hope when he is in his 40's he can remember fondly all the experiences his Grandpa and "Grandma" have provided.

I will leave you with a video of Levy playing my Granny's piano.  And as always a wish for you to get out enjoy the day & take a step in your journey of fitness.

Friday, February 28, 2014



The past months have been months of lessons and trying to implement these lessons. Even though we may recognize the value of these lessons it is often difficult to put them into action. Often we need that ah ha moment where we finally see the value of the lesson. 

Ah ha moment #1
Hard to describe but applying a little bend to the elbow makes the hand grab the water allowing for a stronger push forward.  Feeling the water allows one to recognize where their legs are in the water which hopefully translates to moving them up to the surface thus the body is at a better position to glide through the water. The hard part putting this into practice all the time but the benefit is being a faster swimmer.

Ah ha moment #2
When you are sick take time off.  Don't go back too soon or you'll just end up sick again and in some cases sicker then you where. Honestly I have a hard time telling when I'm too sick.  This is a direct result of playing sick as a kid to skip class in elementary school.  I really did dislike school.  I now know if I go back too soon then I'm off twice as long as if I actually did take time off. The obvious benefit I am happier, healthier, can train more & be with my family more.

Ah ha moment #3 
Just do It !!! This moment comes as a result of church. Although there are many religions around the world the basis for most is to show compassion for your fellow human being.  Although the Bible tells us to love in today's sense of this word I don't think this is what we are to do. Rather I think it is saying to be compassionate and have empathy for others.  If we all practiced this and showed compassion/empathy for others our world would be a different place. I think we would be much happier as we would not complain about things or people because we would have readjusted our ideas to the situation.  

If we take the Latin meaning of compassion to suffer with then every sporting event is a compassionate event. We all "suffer" together when training & hopefully we have the compassion to give an encouraging word during a race or help during training when we see one of our fellow athletes having troubles.  Better yet we take the lead from the Olympic Gold medalist Dario Cologna who waited 28 minutes to shake the hand of the 1st Peruvian to cross the finish line. Or we give up our spot like the Canadian speed skater to someone who should medal and did medal.  That is a true sign of sportsmanship and compassion.

Another Just do it moment stated late January when we decided at Faith United to create a team and sign up for the Coldest Night of the Year walk in support the Refuge. In less then a month we created a team and raised 827.00 dollars to support teen & youths living on the street or in poverty in the Durham Region.  A huge THANK YOU to my supports to help with reaching this goal. 

What's next ?  Lots of training as IMMT gets closer every day.  Trying to put the above lessons into action.  Start the next fund raising campaign for the Gate & trying to figure out a fund raising event. Spend as much time as possible with family.  

Hopefully Mother Nature will soon see fit to provide us some warm days but until then there is nothing more beautiful then an open field in the winter covered with untouched snow.  There is beauty out there in this cold winter we just have to look for it.  

Have a wonderful weekend, 


Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Year New Name

Welcome to the Magical Mystery Tour of 2014.  

In church today Larry titled today's sermon Magical Mystery Tour.  The end of the tour is when you have that big ah ha moment or revelation or when the little light bulb goes on. This ah ha moment is becoming closer to what you believe is out there for me that is God.

This is a fantastic name for 2014 as it will be a magical mystery tour getting to the goal of Ironman Mont Tremblant (IMMT).  I'm sure when I'm out training and in the 180K of my 190K training ride an ah ha moment will happen.  It might be why the crap did I sign up for this or it could be wow I've reached another milestone or it could be something completely different.

It is a mystery how I will get to the finish line but I have faith I will make it. It will take a lot of praying, friendship, encouragement, biking, running, swimming, eating (wohoo but got to keep it healthy no dirty burgers, well maybe one) & resting but that is okay.  Today I'm excited about it, tomorrow I might be scared and the next day I might be ready to give in the towel but one doesn't get to grow if one doesn't  push the limits.

Somehow the lyrics sum up what the year will be like.  The first stanza happened in 2013 when Jeff and I rolled on up to IMMT accepted that invitation to join the event and made our reservations on where to stay.  The second stanza is happening now.  My faith, Barry, Coach Paul, the DRTC & my friends will provide everything I need to get to the finish line.  Satisfaction will happen when I cross the line. The last stanza is race day.  I will put all my effort into it and if not "die" trying too.

Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up AND THAT'S AN INVITATION, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up TO MAKE A RESERVATION, roll up for the mystery tour.
The magical mystery tour is waiting to take you away,
Waiting to take you away.
Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up WE'VE GOT EVERYTHING YOU NEED, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, roll up for the mystery tour.
The magical mystery tour is hoping to take you away,
Hoping to take you away.

Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up AND THAT'S AN INVITATION, roll up for the mystery tour.
Roll up TO MAKE A RESERVATION, roll up for the mystery tour.
The magical mystery tour is coming to take you away,
Coming to take you away.
The magical mystery tour is dying to take you away,
Dying to take you away, take you away.

Thanks Larry for the name.  Its awesome !!! 
Have a wonderful week. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 goals

Overall 2013 was a good year.  Many items where memorable & topping the list was:
  • The birth of our grandson Levy
  • Fun in the sun with Barry in Cuba
  • Completing Ironman Syracuse 70.3
  • Volunteering at Ironman Mont Tremblant (IMMT)
  • Bunking with Erin & Jeff while volunteering at IMMT
  • Signing up for IMMT 2014
  • Swimming 4K
  • Biking 180K
  • Watching Mark, Alison & Deanna finish their 1st full Ironman
  • Helping Gate 3:16

What does 2014 hold?  It will be a tough year balancing family, training and work but it will be a good year.   

My resolutions/goals/bucket list is very small with only six items. 
  • Spend as much time as possible with Barry and Levy
  • Spend more time working on the 3Cs - communion, compassion & connection
  • Complete 100% of my training schedule
  • Cross the finish line of IMMT
  • Tame the cookie monster & eat better
  • Raise a minimum of 3,000 for Gate 3:16
 What does 2014 hold for you?  I hope it is a happy & healthy year for you.

“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. If you’re making mistakes, you’re doing something,” – Neil Gaiman, author

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Thank you Elaine (Remember those serving tomorrow too)

While running this afternoon I started to think about Remembrance Day and how lucky we are.  As a third or fourth generation Canadian I am privileged to live in a country without war.  A few months back while speaking with a client I learned of his flight from Sir Lanka and the horrors he saw.  He came to Canada at 13.  I can not fathom living through these conditions and leaving your home country to start life a new somewhere else.

This great country of ours is a result of those who defended our country and continue to defend our country.  Tomorrow we remember those who have served in wars past, our living veterans and those who give their lives to allow us to live in this great land of Canada.

Tomorrow I will remember those who served, our living veterans and those who gave their lives but I'm going to say a prayer for all those who are serving today.  We must thank these women & men who protect us today and tomorrow to allow us to continue to live in a land without war.

Though triathlon I met one tough cookie but she always has a smile, a kind word and would encourage you to make your dreams come dream.  It just so happens she is serving in the military.

Thank you Elaine !!! I can not thank you and others serving enough for what you do.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Another crazy idea done

Hello on this very rainy day.  Well I'm happy that I was inside on my bike versus my tri-buddies Mark & Kireran who showed their love for biking by getting out there today.  It was cold, rainy and windy.  A few degrees cooler and it may have been that S word.  They arrived dripping but with smiles and a little cold.  If the apple cider didn't warm them it might have given them a bit more sugar to complete their ride.

They came to support my fundraiser for Lifewater Canada.  This is the organization Faith supports during our Advent season and our outreach to people in other countries.  Our Church Work in Durham group does a fantastic job supporting over a dozen local agencies.  This is another reason I love my church.

The fundraiser introduced me to many local folks who cycle but also to a wee lass who loves paint ball.  She was explaining to me very passionately the different types of paint ball, the different clothing, the different moves and about PSP the big league for this sport.  I had no idea that paint ball was so big.  If this wee lass can channel that passion I think we will be hearing about here in the future. I'll be checking in with Gramma to see how she is making out for sure.  

So here I am going into hour 2.5 hour of 5 hours.  The legs are now jelly and the butt is happy to be off the seat.