Saturday, March 23, 2013

Winter moves to spring

It is hard to believe but both the winter bike and swim classes have ended.  The spring bike classes started this week and swim starts next week.  A tradition Coach Paul started in the last swim class of each session is we get to ride the slide.  This was another first with Coach Paul riding the slide.  Nope, never did I go to a water park. I don't know if it was because we lived so far away from one but it certainly was not something I sought out like many do.  I might just have find myself a huge water slide and check it out one day.  Its time to see water as fun.  

It has been a crazy month at work and it drives me crazy when it interferes with training but it happens. This week I did not complete either scheduled runs however I did one this afternoon.  I know if Coach reads this he'll shake his head but I'm really happy I did.  I have been worrying about the Syracuse half ironman.  Have I been doing enough training, will I complete the race etc? Today showed me that I am ready to race an Olympic distance so it is on track.  I just need to trust Coach and I'll be ready.  The ankle is holding good with the tape which is a miracle too.

While at the gym I saw an old gym mate.  Hard to believe it has been three years since we have seen each other.  Like so many she struggles to find the time to hit the weights or do a bit of cardio.  What works for me is a goal.  If you have a goal and really want to make it happen it will happen.  For me that goal is an organized race.  If I sign up I gotta do it and coupled with the fund raising it really makes it happen.  One never knows the goal of a 5K run might just lead to an Ironman.  Set the goal so its beyond your comfort zone because that is where the magic happens as my tri-buddy Jeff posted.

What is your goal ? 


Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Valliant's valiant effort to complete an Ironman relay for one

It's official !! I'm on the way to completing an Ironman relay for one.  Well at least the swim and bike. The donation page is open until Halloween just in case the Toronto full marathon in October comes to be.  It just might with Dr. Jason's help.

Not only did I get the encouragement I needed when I joined Coach Paul's Ironmotivation Monster spin class to consider swimming but I learned about Dr. Jay.  Dr. Jay is a magical chiropractor who  works out of Welcome to Wellness in Whitby.  There is a huge misconception about what chiropractors do but all I know is Dr. Jay does more then adjustments.  This week he worked on the left shoulder to loosen it up after Sunday's 3000M swim.  Within a day the pain was gone but more important is the nagging ankle.

My ankle issue is a result of very flat feet.  I have to thank my Dad's side of the family for them and my big calves - SIGH.  Even though I wear arch supports my foot does not toe off correctly and "crushes" the ankle on every step. This week a little kinesiology tape in the right places, a 45 minute run, limited pain and no pain waking up or the next day.  For once I can't wait to see what Tuesday's run brings.  Of the three sports running is the biggest mental challenge because of the pain in the ankle :-). Huge change from when I started the blog and discussed my fear of swimming.

With a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel I am very encouraged about this race season. With this optimism comes the official announcement of my 2013 fundraising goal - Valliant's valiant effort to complete an Ironman relay for one.  (Thanks Susan) I'm hoping to raise $3000.00 for Oshawa's outreach centre Gate 3:16.  This little place on Simcoe Street helps so many. They rely on support from churches, denominational grants, corporations, individuals, foundations, and fundraising events.

With so many great causes out there and so many friends and family looking for donations to their fundraising goals its tough to decide what to support.  I hope you will look at Gate 3:16's web page, see the great services they provide to our community and considering donating.  I really appreciate your consideration.

It might be cold out there but if you bundle up just right a little walk could be had.  For me its a two hour spin in the basement as Monster Ironmotivation spin class is on vacation for March break.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Shadow

Its time to move your clocks forward tonight.  Spring is just around the corner but I do like having sun leaving the pool at 7am.  It will be a few more weeks for that to return, SIGH.

Mentioning the pool I became the shadow on Wednesday morning.  I have this problem of over thinking and concentrating far to much on my technique than just swimming.  It really is good to be concerned about technique but sometimes one can care too much or maybe its my perfectionist side coming out.  On Wednesday morning I became the shadow.  Coach Paul asked me to stay on the feet of Christine. ( For those reading from the Tri club no that is not Ironman Christine - I can only hope to become that good )  All I thought about the whole swim was staying on Christine's feet and I did not think about technique.  The best swim in a very long time. 

The thought of someone touching your feet probably freaks some people out. In beginners class I remember Coach Paul educating us about not being fearful of being close to others in the pool and in the intermediate  class we would have drills on touching people feet. It is enviable when racing you'll be on someones feet or at their their side or taking a hit.   So its all good learning to be on someone's feet.  However we must keep shadowing to race day, swimming at the lake with the DRTC or in Coach Paul's class. It just won't go over well at a lane swim I think.

Tomorrow brings another first in swimming a 3000M pool swim.   It is hard to believe my first swim class with Coach Paul was November 2010.  I must remember that next time I'm hard on myself.

Please remember a little exercise a day, even a walk, does wonders for your heart.
